Yeah we are allowed to go out today, which is good because
it is P-DAY!! woohoo! :) hahaha. Yeah the weather has been totally crazy out
here. Jan 2 it got to -6! I took a picture when it reached 0. Today we just
have freezing rain though, nothing too bad. hahaha. Yeah the roads are pretty
icy. I almost fell walking to the car this morning, most likely due to my
uncoordinated-self, but whatever. New Years was good! We had to be in by 7pm
because of all the crazy people, so we watched 17 Miracles, which I would love
a copy for my birthday by the way :), and we played phase 10, and we just hung
out in our apartment. Nothing too exciting.
I don't think I will ever be ready for the cold weather, but
instead of looking at it with disdain and my grumpy face, I have decided to
treat it like an adventure. My old Sister Training Leader would always say
"Adventure Mormons" if we missed a wrong turn, or were not quite sure
where we were going, or something crazy, or adventurous, happened. So I will
think of it like that, and change my perspective. We have been pretty safe on
the roads. I have learned how to drive in snow and am still practicing with the
ice. I am driving today, so I will be getting more practice. :) It's kind of
like a roller coaster ride. All of a sudden there will be a turn or slide that
you were not expecting and it surprises you. Although, you should be very
proud, I have now stopped screaming every time this happens :) hahaha College
has not started up quite yet. But it will soon, hopefully. I have heard like
the middle to late January. So, yeah.
I love you!
Um what about Rook card? and Uno? No, I have not. However, I
am not sure if we could watch that one. The only reason I know that we can
watch 17 Miracles is because they show it at the MTC, otherwise it all has to
be church produced. :/
hahaha, yeah the Yeti is pretty funny. Especially when we
are on the phone with someone and they hear him and they think that it is one
of us. We are constantly explaining our GPS. It is quite funny. :D Yes I still
love my comp. :) We get along pretty well. This are has been pretty slow
though, so its been a little rough. But in my personal study today I was
reading Alma 7, and in verse 23-24 it says : "And now I would that ye
should be ahumble,
and be bsubmissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience
and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping
the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in
need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for
whatsoever things ye do receive. 24: "And see that ye have afaith,
hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."
It was kind of a slap in the face. I realized that I was
starting to give up on this area because nothing was happening, yet I had to
spend another 6 weeks here, so I was getting really discouraged. And when I
read this I just sat back and thought that it is because I have not been
trusting in the Lord like I should have been and that is a big part of why
nothing is happening. Just yesterday I read Joshua chapter 1 which says four
different times " be strong and of a good courage". And I realized
that I have not been doing that. So this morning I went through the qualities
or attributes,whatever you want to call them, and I thought about how I have
been doing with each one, and how I need to improve. I realized that one of the
major things is that I am not being patient with myself or the Lord. Unlike my
last area, I get along with my comp much better, and I have not had to call on
the Lord multiple times a day and ask for patience and strength. And looking
back I can see the differences. Right before I left everything was falling into
place, and now here, we are stuck. Nothing is happening. And I can now
understand why. The Lord doesn't trust those who do not trust Him enough to
call upon Him. Even if they don't feel the need to. It has been a very humbling
morning for me. I will be putting this scripture up on my wall so that I can
look at it everyday, and make sure that I am constantly seeking the Lord in all
that I do. I cannot do this without Him. And unfortunately, I have had to learn
this the hard way.